Welcome to Choctaw Regional Medical Center

Visitation 政策 Update 12-29-21


As part of our proactive measures to keep our patients, staff and visitors safe as we respond to the spread of COVID-19, the new visitation policy will go into effect December 29, 2021 until further notice. Changes in the visitation policy may be made under the discretion of department heads and administration.

⦁ 一般 Acute Care Inpatients: No 游客. For an end-of-life situation, visitation is limited to family only and must wear mask at all times.
⦁ COVID-19 Suspect/Confirmed 病人: No visitors. For an end-of-life situation, visitation is limited to family and PPE must to be worn appropriately, if not visitor will be asked to leave the premises.
⦁ Pediatric 病人: Visitation is restricted to one parent or support person only age 18 or older, visitors must be screened and wear a mask at all times.
⦁ Outpatient: Adult outpatients: No visitors. Pediatric outpatients may have one parent/guardian 18years of age or older accompany during outpatient visit, must wear mask at all times. 游客 not accompanying patients during procedures will be required to wait outside of facility preferably in their vehicle until patient is discharged.
⦁ Emergency Department (ED) 病人: Adult patients: no visitors. Pediatric patients may have one parent or 1 guardian over the age 18, must wear mask at all times.
⦁ ED COVID-19 Suspected/Confirmed: No visitors. For an end-of-life situation the patient may have two designated visitors. In the event that an ER patient is admitted, visitors must follow the policies above.
⦁ Cafeteria: The cafeteria is closed to the general public.
⦁ Medical Records: No visitors.
⦁ Business Office: No visitors.

病人 with special needs/mental disability who need supervision may have one designated visitor at bedside with department manager’s discretion.
病人 and visitors who enter the hospital, will be screened for a fever (100 degrees F or higher), 咳嗽, and shortness of breath. If visitors have a positive screen they will not be allowed to enter and will be ask to leave to protect the safety of our patients and staff.

We Ask that individuals who meet the following guidelines refrain from visiting:
⦁ If you have a positive COVID-19 test in the last 14 days, are currently waiting on results of Covid-19 test, or are isolating because you may have been exposed to a person with Covid-19.
⦁ If you have any signs or symptoms of a respiratory infection in the past 48 hours.
⦁ Temperature of 100 degrees F or higher
⦁ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
⦁ Muscle pain
⦁ Sore throat
⦁ New loss of taste or smell.


游客 who do not follow personal protective equipment (PPE) guidelines will be asked to leave the premises to protect the safety of our patients and staff.

*政策 subject to change (based on number of COVID-19 cases in the community)

Revised 12/28/21

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